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The heart of Wylie Something belongs to Jacob Smolinski, a guy you could describe as a burly, tender, baritoned cherub. His song “Locked Out Era” is our inaugural pick for song of the week! This jam was tracked inside his home studio which he refers to as “Dojo I” and Jake handles all the instrumental duties here. Maybe that’s why it sounds so seamlessly glued together.

Opening with a guitar tone that’s come to define his work, a crunchy riff sets the table for a cascade of drum and bass that chugs along under his golden croons. There is no other human voice so rich and textured as the one that lives in Jake’s throat. Equal parts Marlboro and magic, deep as a well and still sometimes scraping across the sky, it’s a voice that really has no boundaries, a sound Jake often refers to as “unhinged.”

“Locked Out Era” feels like remembering that one time you had a really nice day in the middle of having a really nice day. Which seems to run counter to the lyrics which focus on desire for all which cannot be had. As the experience seems to slip through Jake’s fingers, it falls perfectly into the ears of the listener. By the time you reach the long held note 2:35, you might find yourself a little misty, at least I did. But it was only because I had something in my eye.

Check out Wylie Something at any of the following…


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