When I asked Little cake if I could feature a song they wrote over six years ago their response was “ok sure, but thinking back on old songs is creepy.” I have to agree! I generally don’t look back on my own work past the 3 year mark because so much inevitably changes in vision, approach, execution. After awhile those old songs start to feel like they were written by someone else. Even still, I couldn’t help myself. I’ve been infatuated with this one since it’s release.
What makes a song great? If you strip away all the ornaments and reduce it to a primordial ooze, what needs to be there? A theme that resonates. A progression that grips you. A delivery that’s genuine. This tune exemplifies all those ingredients.
We should be
Good to each other
Do you feel
Others matter?
I really admire this kind of lyricism. It’s not easy to translate emotional depth without getting verbose or pretentious. Here Little cake wraps it all up into a declaration and a soul-searching question - this simplicity is its great super power. Sung in a hushed tone that’s often lost in the fireworks of their live set, this expression seems unusually vulnerable and all the better for it.
I don’t come across them often, but once in a while it seems like a song has the power to heal a broken heart. Thanks Ana!